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News from   Hadassah Florida Atlantic Region
Mar 28, 2025 Join Us Donate  
Upcoming Events Graphic

Scroll down to read about all 11 important items

President's Message * STD iMordecai * Portfolio Workshops * STD Breast Cancer Walks * Hadassah National Conference Awards * Tikkun Olam Sneakers for Children * Martin County Movie The Burial * Holidays * Calendar Update * Hadassah News * Hadassah@Home * Registration Help

Presidents Message Logo 2021
Hello Hadassah Sisters —
The monthly eblast is being released a few days late because I wanted to use this column to write about my experiences at the Hadassah conference in Las Vegas that ended on July 30. It was an enormously rewarding and fulfilling experience. What I’ve written is only a snapshot and doesn’t include many wonderful speakers or the connection to Hadassah and sisterhood that you feel. Next summer, I hope that more of you will experience the energy first hand.
1. Together We Will Heal — This is the new phase of the Israel Now Emergency Response Campaign. It includes the Gandel (rhymes with candle) Rehabilitation Center, addressing Mental Health issues, 6 operating rooms in the Davidson Tower & and an ICU in the Round Building. Read more

FAR iMordecai STD Graphic 11-1-24

Hadassah Florida Atlantic presents "iMordecai"

Save the Date- Friday, November 1, 2024 More info

FAR Workshop Announcement 2024-2025 Graphic

Hadassah Florida Atlantic 2024-2025 Portfolio Virtual Workshops

Register today! All chapter leaders are invited to attend any workshop. Learn, meet and exchange ideas.

Hadassah FL Breast Cancer Awareness Day Logo 10-27-24
Save The Date Hadassah Florida Breast Cancer Awareness Day Sunday, October 27, 2024

Congratulations Graphic 2024
Hadassah Florida Atlantic Chapters won various awards at Hadassah’s National Conference in Las Vegas!




Hadassah Florida Atlantic 

Wycliffe Chapter 

Chai at the Bay Chapter


The Alice Seligsberg Award for Jewish Education

Anise Kaplan, Education VP

Linda Goldsmith & Lisa Carlin, Co-Presidents

Gilda Mallin Boca West Chapter Florida Atlantic Region


Day in the District

Susan Wakshul, Region President Joy Parks, Advocacy Chair

Florida Atlantic Region

Advocacy Honor Roll

Joy Parks, Florida Atlantic


Click here to see the full list of awards

L'Dor V'Dor Tikkun Olam Sneakers for Children Graphic 9-16-2 
L'Dor V'Dor Chapter
Tikkun Olam - Sneakers for Children
Decorate sneakers to be donated to At-Risk Youth in Saint Lucie County. Raising awareness and funds for Hadassah Youth Aliyah. We provide sneakers and markers, and a nosh!
Open to all Valencia Grove Residents Register here

Martin County Movie The Burial Graphic 10-23-24 
Join Hadassah Martin County Chapter for a Viewing of the Movie "The Burial" & Luncheon
Wednesday, October 23, 2024  11:30 AM - 3 PM
A fun and informative event with a Buffet Dairy Luncheon followed by the viewing of the movie "The Burial", a real case where Willy Gary of Stuart represents the plaintiff, exposing a complex web of race, power and injustice. Discussion led by Golda Zimmerman ESQ.

Calendar Update Graphic 
Check out our 2024 Region Calendar- Rev. 6.27.24

Summer Friday 
Hadassah offices will be closed on
Friday, August 2nd- Summer Friday
Friday, August 30th- Summer Friday

Hadassah News Logo 

There are many new Hadassah stories and press releases. Here are a few of the latest:

Please make sure you are following Hadassah Florida Atlantic on Facebook at and Hadassah National at for the most up-to-date information on all of the work Hadassah is doing to advocate for Jews at home, in Israel and all over the world. Remember to like and share!

Hadassah at Home Logo 
Hadassah @ Home

Click to learn more about each program

Hadassah Physicians Council's Inaugural Book Club Meeting - FREE and OPEN TO ALL! Please join the Hadassah Physicians Council for its inaugural book club discussion on Thursday, September 5 at 7:30 pm ET/4:30 pm PT. We will be talking about Grave Intervention, written by our very own Physicians Council member, Dr. Shira Shiloah. Her second thriller, Grave Intervention is a paranormal medical suspense, that blurs the lines between real and imaginary to explore the hidden side of the historical suburban town, Naperville, Illinois. She creates authentic characters and true-to-life medical scenes based on her unique observations as a physician and novelist. We are excited that author, Dr. Shiloah, will be in attendance! Click here to register – Grave Intervention is available in digital, print and audiobook. The audiobook was an Editor’s pick on Spotify. Questions? Email us

HADASSAH ON CALL PODCAST: Immunity Unraveled Can you treat a rare bladder condition with an asthma drug? Hadassah has. Can we replace the EpiPen? Hadassah's working on it. The latest Hadassah On Call episode features Dr. Yuval Tal, director of the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, sharing the latest advancements and research in clinical immunology.

ONE BOOK, ONE HADASSAH More Summer Reading With Hadassah! Joan Leegant is the award-winning author of Displaced Persons, an exquisite collection of short stories that explores moments of transition and wandering and joy and homecoming in both Israel and the United States. Register for her One Book, One Hadassah event here. Free and open to all.

SPEAK OUT: Tell Congress to Support Reproductive Choice Two years after Roe v. Wade was overturned, access to reproductive care is under attack for women across the country. Restrictions on reproductive choice and care threaten women’s health. Join us in urging lawmakers to pass legislation to protect choice, contraception and fertility treatments.

OUR MISSION IN ACTION: Recommitting to Our Pride as Jews and Zionists “Summer is supposed to be a time to relax, but for Israel and the Jewish world, this is a year with no summer break,” Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz writes in Hadassah Magazine, touching on the alarming rise of antisemitism, Hadassah’s #EndTheSilence campaign and the upcoming elections.

Giving to Hadassah Every contribution made to Hadassah is meaningful and it is understandable for Hadassah’s donors to ask, “Where does my money actually go?” Example, our new EndtheSilence campaign is designated to “Hadassah,” as this allows us the flexibility to fund the most urgent needs related to this issue. Click here to find out

Planned Giving & Estates: New Letter of Intent form There’s a new form in town! Become a legacy giver to Hadassah with our new Letter of Intent form. An LOI lets us know that you have included a gift to Hadassah in your will, trust or other estate plan. We would love to welcome you to Hadassah’s 1912 Legacy Society!

360° of Healing with Hadassah Associates Hadassah Associates have adopted the 360°– Delivering Hope campaign as their 2024 fundraising initiative and are counting on YOU to help spread the word. Please download and share the Associates Delivering Hope donation flyer at all of your region and chapter events and meetings. Questions about Associates fundraising can be directed to Dana Waxler, Associates Chair.

Israel Bonds and Hadassah You can forge a connection to Israel and provide vital funding for Hadassah's essential programs. Here’s how it works: Purchase an Israel bond and donate it to Hadassah. Hadassah will receive interest on the bond plus principal upon maturity. You will support Israel’s economy and make a difference. Click here for more information.

For past programs see our Virtual Programming page. Follow our current Hadassah stories.

Need help registering for events?

Click here to view our tutorial for help with online registration for Hadassah events.

 Contact Us

Please use the following email addresses to contact the Region Office
All finance issues:
All other issues:

Hadassah Florida has a new text-to-donate option! Make your donation to Hadassah via your cellphone. Just text the word "DONATE" to (866) 655-8383 and follow the prompts. It's so easy!

Hadassah Boynton Office Appointments Update

Hadassah’s Boynton Beach office is once again open to volunteers on a limited basis. If you need to visit the office, contact or call 561-498-1012 and leave a voicemail with your name, chapter and email address.
Post-Covid, our staff works on a hybrid schedule. We are in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. All visitors must have an appointment to enter the office.

Facebook Logo 

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Follow Hadassah Florida Atlantic on Facebook at:

Help Hadassah get the word out about our events, life-saving research and domestic advocacy by liking and sharing every Hadassah Florida Atlantic Facebook post. If you are not already following our page, search for Hadassah Florida Atlantic in the search box and then click on “follow”. There is lots of great information and pictures from our events. You may even see yourself!

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Hadassah Florida Atlantic Region
1325 South Congress Avenue, Suite 209
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
P: 877-949-1818
Hadassah National
40 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005
P: (800) 928 0685‍   |   Privacy Statement   |   Terms & Conditions
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