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News from   Hadassah Desert-Mountain
Jul 27, 2024
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Message from the President, Ellen Burke

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"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction." - John Crosby

To grow as Hadassah leaders, and elsewhere in our lives, it is important to find a mentor. Sometimes we choose mentors without realizing we’re in that kind of relationship, with a friend, a relative, a teacher, and sometimes we consciously look for a mentor. It can be a formal relationship or something far more casual – talking with a trusted friend giving good advice. The point is, we need mentors to be our best selves. 

As we grow, we can mentor others.  Here in Hadassah, we want to ensure continued leadership.  One way we can make a difference is to look for and identify women who have potential to be leaders but just need a little nudge to move them in that direction.

If you are a leader now, you should be looking for future leaders to mentor. If you would like to be in leadership, look for a mentor within your own Hadassah circle or elsewhere.

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”
— Opra


Hadassah Advocacy

"Act while you can: While you have the chance, the means, and the strength.”

- The Talmud, Shabbat 151b


118 congress.pngWelcome the 118th Congress

Building relationships with legislators on both sides of the aisle is essential to advancing Hadassah's core values, including strengthening the US-Israel relationship, advancing women's and public health and combatting antisemitism. To join Hadassah in welcoming the 118th Congress, click here.


Click here to Learn about Meeting your Legislators Face-to-Face or Virtually

Make your voice heard and let policymakers know where you stand on key issues! Join other Hadassah advocates and get trained to make an impact with policymakers in your community, state, or in DC (and yes, we have socially distanced options too).

  • Hadassah Day in the District and Sit-downs with Senators: Meet with your federal legislators in their regional offices or online.
  • Hadassah Date with the State: Meet with state officials to advance priority issues on the state level.
  • Hadassah Day on the Hill: Join hundreds of supporters from around the country in Washington, DC, to meet with your members of Congress, and receive briefings from government agencies and foreign embassies.

Thanks to Sara Steinman, Advocacy Chair, for the article. If you have any questions, contact her at, 214-236-8505.


miracles from Hadassah.pngThere were only two things going for him. The first was that he was young and healthy. The second was that he came to Hadassah," said Dr. Galel Yakobi, HMO.

Ohad Adar was inspecting his factory’s equipment when there was a huge explosion. “All hell broke loose …I looked at my hands and couldn’t see skin. I sat down and started screaming ‘Hadassah Ein Kerem’ repeatedly until I passed out.”

Click here to watch this incredibly powerful 5-minute video. This is what it means when you donate to Hadassah. This story is what motivates each Hadassah member to do what we do.


Try our Youth Aliyah quiz. Click here to learn more.

1. Youth Aliyah founder Henrietta Szold personally greeted how many of the children arriving in Israel to join a Youth Aliyah Village.

a. 48%
b. 62%
c. 85%
d. 100%

2. This year the Meir Shfeyah Youth Aliyah Village has 678 students. What percentage live on campus?

a. 48%
b. 62%
c. 85%
d. 100%

3. Youth Aliyah villages provide many programs. Which of the following is not a YA program?

a. Music; Science and Technology; Art
b. Sports
c. Dog Rehabilitation
d. Computerized Greenhouse; Organic Farm
e. Dairy; Chicken Farm
f. Vineyards and Winery
g. Mechanics; Carpentry; Tool Making

4. Since its founding, how many students have graduated from Hadassah YA villages?

a. 3,000
b. 30,000
c. 300,000
d. 3,000,000

5. Youth Aliyah was founded in 1934 to give rescued children from Nazi Europe a home, and they are still rescuing children today. Approximately how many Ukrainian children joined a YA village in the past year?

a. 25
b. 50
c. 100
d. 500

6. Meir Shfeyah has an internationally renowned orchestra featuring which instrument?

a. Mandolin
b. Violin
c. Drums
d. Electronic Keyboard

Click here to help support the Youth Aliyah leaders of tomorrow.


super woman hadassah.jpgAre you interested in becoming a Hadassah leader?

If you think leadership might be in your future, ask your Chapter President about the upcoming Hadassah DMR region meeting from April 29th - May 1st in Denver, Colorado. We’d love to see you there!

Leadership positions are available at all levels, so whether you have just a little time to volunteer, or a lot, let your Chapter President know you’re interested.


hadassah-on-call-logo.gifNew Podcast! Heart Matters: Exploring Innovative Heart Treatments

Newsweek ranked Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem’s Heart Institute as one of the "World’s Best Specialized Hospitals – Cardiology." 

Click here to listen to the latest episode of Hadassah On Call as Dr. David Planer, director of the Department of Interventional Cardiology, describes what sets HMO apart from other hospitals. And for those wondering when to start getting tested for heart disease risk factors – it’s earlier than you think!


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Camp season is coming and now’s the time to support Young Judaea with scholarship funds. Help shape the future leaders of tomorrow and ensure their passion for Jewish life and a love of Israel.

Click here to learn more about Young Judaea.
Click here to donate. 


young arabs.jpgHadassah Ein Kerem Offers National Service Program for Young Arabs

Until recently, few Arab-Israeli citizens volunteered for National Service like their Jewish counterparts. Hadassah is helping to change that. Click here to read all about it.


Youth Aliyah Quiz answers

1) d. 100%. Henrietta Szold personally greeted every child.
2) a. 48% of Meir Shfeyah children live on campus, the rest commute from nearby villages. Many local families want their children to attend Meir Shfeyah because of its high academic standards.
3) Every program listed is a Youth Aliyah program.
4) d. over 300,000 children
5) b. over 50 Ukrainian children
6) a. Mandolin


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Your support of $15 a month - or even $30 a month to double your impact - can help Hadassaah Medical Organization doctors conduct groundbreaking medical research that saves countless lives. 

Join Chai Society and help our doctors bring healing to the people of Israel - and the world.


Hadassah Annual Giving

Where Compassion Meets Commitment    800.928.0685


evolve israel travel

Learn about Evolve Israel Travel at a virtual open house!

Evolve Hadassah: The Next Generation is excited to offer two Evolve Israel travel opportunities. These will be unforgettable, highly subsidized journeys for a select group of Hadassah women through Israel, with unique opportunities to experience Israeli life, culture, its diverse population and of course Hadassah Hospitals and youth villages. Click here to find out more at this virtual Open House. If you're interested please contact your chapter president about these subsidized trips. To apply for The Evolve Israel Experience or nominate someone to be an Evolve Leadership Fellow, please click here to visit our webpage.

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Hadassah Desert-Mountain
Amelia & Mark Taper Hadassah House
455 S. Robertson Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
P: 310-276-0036
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40 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005
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