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News from   HADASSAH Florida Broward Region Join Us Donate  
Upcoming Events Graphic 

Scroll down to read about all 12 important items

New Email Addresses * President's Message * Meeting/Event Update * Facebook * Mother's Day * Annual Giving Camp Tour * Yom Yerushalayim * Thrive Article * Holidays * Stay Connected * Keepers Israel Tour * Setty Gallery

Email Graphic 
New Email Addresses
Please use the following email addresses to contact the Region Office
All finance issues:
All membership issues:
All other issues:

Presidents Message Logo 2021 
Dear Hadassah Florida Broward Members,
On April 22, the tenth of Iyar, Theordore Herzl Day, the National Assembly held a zoom meeting to update the leadership on the latest happenings in Hadassah, National President, Rhoda Smolow presiding.
We know Herzl as the Father of Modern Zionism, and in that role, he made some very important statements, that have also been echoed by Henrietta Szold and Hadassah leadership through the decades.

Click here to read more

Virtual Event Graphic 
The four Regions of Hadassah Florida have decided that Florida chapters should continue to hold all meetings and events virtually. Hadassah’s National leadership is reviewing current guidelines. Should National revise these guidelines, local policy will also be reviewed. We thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Facebook Logo 

Stay up to date with Hadassah!

Follow Hadassah Florida Broward on Facebook at:

Help Hadassah get the word out about our events, life-saving research and domestic advocacy by liking and sharing every Hadassah Florida Broward Facebook post. If you are not already following our page, search for Hadassah Florida Broward in the search box and then click on “follow”. There is lots of great information and pictures from our events. You may even see yourself!

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Mother's Day Ad 2021 

Camp Judaea Photo 

Calling All Annual Givers... An exclusive tour of Camp Judaea in North Carolina is our gift to you

See how Hadassah brings a little bit of Israel into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains

Wednesday, May 12th at 12 noon EST

Click here to view the flyer

Already an Annual Giver? Click here to register

Not yet an Annual Giver? Click here to join Chai Society or Click here to join Keepers of the Gate (many levels of Annual Giving available)

For more information, contact Betsy Silverfine at

Yom Yerushalayim Event Logo 
Hadassah and Jerusalem: United Forever
Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim
May 10, 2021 at 7:30 pm ET

Hadassah’s history is woven into the fabric of Jerusalem. On Yom Yerushalayim, we will commemorate the 54th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War, which led to the reunification of our two hospitals.

Join us for a festive, virtual celebration that is not to be missed -- featuring invited celebrity host Tovah Feldshuh, musical performances from the Israeli duo Yonina and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, and special guests Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus Director Dr. Tamar Elram, Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow and more!

Reserve your complimentary tickets today

Powerful speakers will move you, never-before-seen videos will inspire you, and of course, no celebration is complete without music that will have you clapping and singing along!

Special pre-event celebration for Hadassah Keepers of the Gate! If you are a Keeper or would like to join our Keepers family, please email Crystal Stubbs at to hear more about this exciting pre-event Keepers program.

Invite your family and friends and let’s celebrate together! 

Randi Lampert Photo 

What I Learned About Mentoring From Hadassah

To me, Hadassah and mentoring are intertwined; you can’t have one without the other.

By Randi Lampert

Webster’s dictionary defines a mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide.” Other definitions are similar, usually mentioning that the mentor has more experience than the person they are mentoring, and the need to build trust within the relationship.

I first became involved in Hadassah when I enrolled my two young children in its Training Wheels program. I knew nothing about the organization at that time. Unlike many others, my mother and grandmother had not been members. I joined simply to have something fun and Jewish to do with my two young sons. While I really enjoyed Training Wheels, as did my boys, the best part of it was the beginning of my involvement with Hadassah. It was there that I met the first of many women who would encourage me to step up to leadership roles in the organization. In other words, they were my first Hadassah mentors.

Click here to read more

Join Our Circle of Writers
SHARE YOUR STORIES: Hadassah has developed a partnership with, Arianna Huffington's lifestyle and wellness platform. We’re collecting "first person" stories  of 1,000 words or less and personal photos from our members. Write about a Hadassah program you love, Women Who Do, our hospitals, our advocacy, Shabbat, mentoring or volunteering. Both new and experienced writers are welcome. We will brainstorm with you and guide you through the writing process. To learn more, contact

Shavuot Graphic 2021 

Hadassah will be closed on

Monday, May 17th- Shavuot

Tuesday, May 18th- Shavuot

Monday, May 31st- Memorial Day

Lets Stay Connected Graphic 

With the upcoming holiday of Yom Yerushalayim, commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem, it's time to reflect on Hadassah's commitment to supporting Israel, which has been the foundation of Hadassah from our very beginning and is still going strong today.

Several upcoming programs focus on Israel that you won't want to miss. Plus, you can join a special panel discussion on family-building in the US and Israel for National Infertility Awareness Week as well as informative, engaging programs on women's empowerment, health and wellness, and more.

What's ahead for Israel?: Join Michael Oren, Israel's former ambassador to the United States and Knesset member, for a thought-provoking conversation on the future challenges and opportunities for the Jewish state. The Hadassah Magazine Discussion with Executive Editor Lisa Hostein is partnering with Access Israel, Hadassah's online monthly Zionist series. Thursday, May 13, 12:30 pm ET.

More motivation to get moving: More than 650 people participated in Round 1 of Every Move Counts, our new health and wellness program designed for all ages and abilities. Our easy Walker Tracker tool helps convert steps of all kinds into movements, which advance you on a virtual Israel Adventure filled with fun Hadassah facts and videos. Round 2 has exciting new features to boost wellness and keep the adventure fresh. A great way for past participants to continue and invite along friends, and for new people to join in the fun, Round 2 begins on May 20 and registration is now open.


SAVE THE DATE (details in future emails):


Weekly Series:

Hebrew@Hadassah: All students, current and new, must register for the 2021 weekly series, a continuation of our ongoing Hebrew class. The cost for all 2021 Hebrew classes is $36. Email questions to Mondays: Beginner's Hebrew from 3-4 pm ET and Intermediate Hebrew from 4-5 pm ET. Members and Associates only, $36.

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Weekly sessions with Rabbi Rebecca W. Sirbu to help you find balance and inner well-being through Jewish wisdom. Register for all January sessions. Tuesdays at 4 pm ET.

For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Member Engagement page.

Keepers Israel 25 Anniv Graphic Nov 7-14, 2021 
November 7-14, 2021
This year, Keepers of the Gate will celebrate our silver anniversary in Israel. This exclusive tour of Israel gives our Keepers an up-close-and-personal opportunity to see the projects that Keepers of the Gate gifts support. Visit a youth village, both Hadassah hospitals, the Knesset and more!
Click here for more info about the tour- including early bird pricing and special discount for new or step-up Keepers!

Setty Gallery Logo 
Setty 1 Setty 2  Setty 3 
At Setty Gallery you'll find some of the best artisan, handcrafted designer jewelry and art items at your fingertips, shipped to all continents around the globe. We endlessly search for handcrafted jewelry and art from unique artists from the land of milk and honey. Hadassah will receive 10% of your purchase.
Hadassah is not a seller of merchandise and is not responsible for the sale of defective merchandise.

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